The cover
Imagine you, your bros (the oversized heads in these pictures are literally my bros or brothers in law), and 4 full days of disc golf at the number one rated disc golf course in the world.

That's right. Get ready to lose some plastic in the pristine lakes of Selah Ranch.
and to lazily cruise around in a cart like a ball golfer, saving all your energy for slingin' plastic.
You'll be bunking in the Corral House after the sun goes down. (Actually, we'll just be taping lights to our discs for night rounds.)

Prepare to joy puke your face off . The Bros of Joes weekend will be held March 7th-11th

So I did indeed joy puke my face off. I was totally shocked that this had all been arranged behind my back over the last couple of months. Katie called my manager and arranged for me to be off work. She made sure my church responsibilities were covered and of course she invited my disc golfing brothers and reserved the Corral House. I am most shocked that so many brothers are flying out, almost all of them have been playing disc golf for less than a year. This is easily my greatest birthday present ever. Thanks Katie. You are the best! Also, thanks to my sister Kate for lending your photo shop expertise.